Online Pollution

The video An Inconvenient PR Truth reminds us why one of the most basic lessons in PR is really a must-do in developing PR and communications plan.

An Inconvenient PR Truth raises the issue of online pollution which is due to irrelevance. The video may have been simplistic though as it only points to press releases sent online which contribute to irrelevance. This may be extended to other PR content or messages which are aimed at being communicated to the audience.

Irrelevance results in the waste of time, and money used to craft a message, and in frustration because sender fails to achieve the desired results or the receiver encounters something irrelevant to him for the nth time.

The solution which is offered is to be selective of what messages or content to create, and send to people.

This brings us back to the lesson in Public Relations which is to know the stakeholders . They can be segmented, and defined so that we may customize the messages and content for each group. Thus, if these are targeted to the right people, we may be able to reduce online pollution caused by irrelevance.

In the practice of PR, if we really want to influence our stakeholders to take our desired behavior, a one-size-fits-all message may not be the best choice. This will only tire some stakeholders, thus, making them block or become less receptive of the content or messages which are sent to them. Resources must therefore not be wasted by making sure that the right messages or content are received by the right people.

About Alyssa B
The Composer, Alyssa Batu, is a senior Organizational Communication student at the University of the Philippines Manila. “What is OrCom all about?” has been the most frequently asked [and answered] question for her since 2008. Three years have passed and she continues to discover answers to that question. Alyssa occasionally procrastinates (‘occasionally’ here is relative, btw :p ) because she either spent too much time with Detective Conan or baking.

6 Responses to Online Pollution

  1. arraayes says:


    A very simple thought which has a really large impact.

    By now, companies should realize that with social media, everything they say or release counts as a reflection of what and who they are as a brand. This I think is the primary reason on why they should be more conscious and put more effort in posting stuff that are really relevant and not just something that would just add clutter on everyone’s walls.


  2. ericaroberta says:


    Wow, that’s a very striking question! As consumers of these media, we can testify to the irrelevant, or sometimes irritating, messages that constantly flood our emails, TVs and phone inbox.

    The communication plans that we have made/ are making for our class requirements are good ways to practice and understand better the receivers of our messages. In that way, when we already are PR practitioners, we can be effective and efficient in the messages we send our stakeholders. 🙂

  3. Alyssa B says:

    Hello, Arra and Erica! 🙂

    109.2 classmates! Hehe.. I am reminded of what Ma’am Mishi used to tell us then. In writing letters, we should use the “you-viewpoint”. Relevance may be addressed by the question of “what can we do for them?” 🙂

  4. Arlet says:

    It’s true, the online world is very polluted and cluttered but I would like to believe that it’s not PR’s fault alone. Real PR are responsible in their online activities, I am not sure though, what do you think Alyssa?

    • Alyssa B says:

      Hello, Arlet! 🙂 I agree that PR is not solely responsible for online pollution. Everyone probably does contribute to irrelevance. 🙂

  5. jaypeesan says:

    This is what’s happening on Facebook! It’s just so polluted that I don’t really use it much anymore.

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